Our Mission Statement

Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar & Research

    • Conduct personal and transparent research to discover (to the best of our ability) true issues concerning disability access at the Bar.

    • Research and produce information guides on the range of disabilities and how they can impact an aspiring barrister.

    • Lead focus groups to discover the fears and problems that aspiring disabled barristers face and how to best support them.

    • Research how we can dismantle the barriers within the Bar that disproportionately affect aspiring barristers from marginalised communities with chronic conditions and disabilities.

    • Examine the RARE Recruitment Survey and consider whether it is discriminatory to disabled persons.

    • Critically assess the diversity and inclusion policies of the Bar Council and Inns of Court.

    • Critically review the pupillage process when considering the difficulties and barriers that aspiring disabled barristers face.

    • Reach out to barristers who have already been successful in recommendations of E,D&I at the Bar in lobbying for change.


Mentoring for Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar Members

    • Facilitate the creation and organisation of a mentoring scheme with pupil, Junior barristers and Queen Counsels.

    • Enhance the employability of Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar members at the Bar.

    • Offer CV, mini-pupillage and pupillage application development assistance and insight sessions to prospective mini-pupillage and pupillage seekers.

    • Provide a wealth of mentorship talks with prominent barristers and members of the judiciary.


Mentoring for Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar Allies (Chambers, Inns of Court, Judiciary)

    • Engage the profession, including the Inns of Court, individual barristers, Chambers, and the BSB, in ’mutual mentoring’; in order that members may benefit from the mentorship of those experienced in the profession, and the profession may benefit from the mentorship of those experienced with disability.

    • Promote commitment to the ‘Disability Confident’ scheme and the following of its proper procedure.

    • Mentor Chambers and Inns of Court on how best they can provide niche reasonable adjustments for mini-pupillages and for the pupillage procedure.

    • Mentor the Bar professionals on the range of disabilities that exist and how they can become disability-allies.

    • Engage in partnerships with Chambers, enabling them to access and participate in our mini-pupillage, mentorship and allyship schemes.


    • Bringing [Dis]Ability to the Bar Exclusive schemes

      • Mini-Pupillage

      • Marshalling Scheme

      • Research, Development and Advocacy Schemes